Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:
Bastien und Bastienne

Orchestration Chart

This chart gives an overview of the work, showing which soloists and instruments are in each movement. It has also been useful in planning rehearsals, since one can see at a glance all the music that a particular musician plays. Red X's indicate major solo moments for a singer. An X in parentheses indicates that the use of that instrument is ad libitum.

This is a preview of the beginning of the chart. You can download or view a PDF of the whole chart here.


© Boston Baroque 2020


Boston Baroque Performances

Bastien and Bastienne

December 31, 2009 & January 1, 2010
Sanders Theater, Cambridge, MA
Martin Pearlman, conductor

Kristen Watson, soprano
Lawrence Jones, tenor
David Kravitz, baritone